Ted Lasso is over: long live Ted Lasso?

Heroes in the Seaweed
11 min readJun 1, 2023
Image istockphoto

It’s a sure sign a movie, book, or series is good, when you find yourself saddened when it ends, because there won’t be more of it to look forward to. First time it happened to me was with J.R.R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings. I might have been 10, I guess. “Well, I’m back”, said Sam Gamgee. 10 year old me was a pool of tears. The only consolation was that I could, after a little break, read it all again. And there was also the Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales …

Well, the last episode of Ted Lasso series 3 ‘dropped’ last night, as the cool set say. Inevitably, it wasn’t the best of the lot, not by a distance. At times, the show’s telltale good-heartedness spilled over for mine into twee, but I never liked Sound of Music either.

It looks like this is a definitive end, and you almost have to hope there won’t be a series four. Characteristically, there was even some reflection on whether this was really it, encoded into the script of the finale. Can anything be perfect?, the characters philosophise. Or is it better to accept imperfection, and work with it?

All good things, anyway, come to the end, as far as we humans know. It’s unlikely there’ll be a Silmarillion for Ted Lasso’s Richmond FC.

The big question of Ted Lasso is how on earth this odd-ball (pun noted)…



Heroes in the Seaweed

"There are heroes in the seaweed", L. Cohen (vale). Several name, people, etc. changes later, the blog of Aus. philosopher-social theorist Matt Sharpe.