Good news for citizens needlessly concerned about the bullish good health of their democracies

Brought to you by the Concerned Citizens Coalition (CCC)

Heroes in the Seaweed
3 min readNov 24, 2023
A person who is worried about their democracy, without need, according to the CCC. Image unsplash

Do you worry that democracies rely on all candidates for elections accepting the basic legitimacy of the electoral process and the peaceful transition of power, in case of defeat?

Do you wonder how long your democracy can continue to function if candidates with mass support repeatedly refuse to commit to the peaceful transition of power, while declaring their possible loss, well in advance, to be “rigged”, and at the same time, support efforts in multiple jurisdictions to restrict voting rights to your fellow citizens?

Do you ever ask yourself whether many things now accepted as legitimate, like calling statutory bodies “fraudulent” without any pretence to evidence, would have been unthinkable for people in public life to say even twenty years ago, and ask where this is trending?

Do you worry when candidates who have in the past failed to commit to the peaceful transition of power, then have called up an armed mob to prevent the ratification of election results, are kind of just accepted as legitimate runners for a second shot at the prize, backed by millions of your fellow citizens and growing components of the…



Heroes in the Seaweed

"There are heroes in the seaweed", L. Cohen (vale). Several name, people, etc. changes later, the blog of Aus. philosopher-social theorist Matt Sharpe.