From the mouths of babes
A dialogue, October 2024
Child [C]: Mum, I’m worried. Kids at school say Generals who like worked with him say Trump is like Hitler — and that, like, he admires Nazi Generals for being unquestionably loyal.
Mother [M]: Yes, little one. That’s right. It was Mark Milley, and now John Kelly. They did both work with Mr Trump, yes.
C: Shouldn’t we be worried?
M: Worried? What do you mean?
C: I mean, we studied Hitler in school, and what he did. He crushed all internal opposition, led Germany into war, and then murdered the European Jews. Like, even the kids, and the mums, and the grandparents. But people worshipped him, like, right until the end. And most of the Generals, not all of them, but most, did nothing when he ordered atrocities against innocent civilians.
M: That is all true, as well, I’m afraid.
C: So, shouldn’t people be concerned by now, about how many people say Trump and those around him are basically full fledged fascists? Do we really want someone like that running our country?
[There is a silence].
And it’s not simply the Generals. Even his VP said that he was America’s Hitler. What’s with that?